Relevant Life Church

Relevant Life Church

Church at 331 East Church Street, Lewisville, TX 75057

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☆   (3 reviews)

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Working hours of
Relevant Life Church

Closed now.
Today: 05:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am - 03:00 pm
Wednesday 07:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Thursday 05:00 pm - 09:00 pm

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Last reviews about Relevant Life Church
in Lewisville, TX

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  • Relevant Life Church is a great place to worship. It is a full gospel, bible based church that does not compromise the Word of God. Praise & Worship is awesome. Our new building is lovely and located in Old Town Lewisville where we can more easily reach out to our community. We are God's family, His body and we welcome those who want to know God better, regardless of age or race. I love that we have been a congregation of multi-ethnicities, just as the Body of Christ is. If you have a heart and passion for God, give RLC a try. It is a jewel now tucked away in Old Town Lewisville.

    Added July 21, 2017 by L C
  • ☆ ☆ ☆

    Today was my first time attending this church. I had a couple issues with what they said/ preached this morning. 1) that if we give 10% of what we make we can redeem the rest of the 90% of us.. Now biblical speaking (I am going to school to be a minister) WE CAN NOT DO ANYTHING TO REDEEM OURSELVES other than giving up our life to HIM. We can not give a tithe to redeem ourselves. 2) This is a personal story of the man that preached today. He talked about how his granddaughter got baptized at the age of 2. I want to know how she was able to fully understand what baptism is and the full effects it has... This happened on Wednesday during the bible study. The pastor talked about a person named Smith Wigglesworth. He talked about how this man in the 1800's would go to funerals and pick up the dead body and throw it against the wall and tell him to get up. After researching and talking with my American History Professor, I found that this man did not do what the pastor said he did. The Pastor said there was documents saying that Smith did in fact do this. I have still found no proof of this.
    I say all of this to say that I am not sure how biblical this church is. I know that his is a very harsh statement but when one of the fundamental parts of Christianity is threaten I need to speak up. God sent his son to die for our sin. Because of him and because we give up ourselves that is the ONLY way we can be redeem.

    Added June 06, 2017 by A Google User
  • For the unnamed google user, I'm not sure what you think you heard, but RLC is a bible based, Spirit filled church. I guarantee you if you attend ANY church, you can find something the Pastor says that you can find fault, included TD Jakes, Dr. Graham, etc... They are not perfect. I question people that point out only the negative aspects of an experience and not mention the positive. Not sure how many times you have visited, but it takes more than once or a few times to get a TRUE feel of what ANY church believes. Can you name 5 leaders or members you have had lunch with, or visited their home at RLC? Christianity is about relationships, not observation at a distance. That's similar to people that scan the bible and say that the bible promotes slavery and women must submit to men. It's about relationship with Jesus Christ, and to KNOW him.

    RLC believes that Christ and Christ alone is the only redeemer of mankind. Please add wisdom to your education, and most important, the Spirit.

    Added February 08, 2017 by Eri Douglas
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