Mulkey-Mason Funeral Home

Mulkey-Mason Funeral Home

Funeral home at 740 South Edmonds Lane, Lewisville, TX 75067

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Categories Funeral home

Mulkey-Mason Funeral Home rating

☆   (5 reviews)

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Working hours of
Mulkey-Mason Funeral Home

Open now.
Today: 08:30 am - 05:30 pm
Monday 08:30 am - 05:30 pm
Tuesday 08:30 am - 05:30 pm
Wednesday 08:30 am - 05:30 pm
Thursday 08:30 am - 05:30 pm
Friday 08:30 am - 05:30 pm
Saturday 08:30 am - 05:30 pm

Vacancy Mulkey-Mason Funeral Home (jobs):

Coming soon


Mulkey-Mason Funeral Home photos

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Last reviews about Mulkey-Mason Funeral Home
in Lewisville, TX

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Thanks to the reviews, other people are able to learn of mistakes or read of the warmth and delight of your gratitude. Please keep your comments--whether praise or criticism--kind and appropriate. This is not the place to ask questions, or post contact information. Inappropriate language, off-topic or duplicate comments, names of individuals criticised, phone numbers, etc will be X'd out or removed, according to the moderator's notice and discretion. Thank you for your comments and participation!

  • ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    This place sucks. Even if ur relative doesn't want anybody at there burial, they can atlest tell family the day before.

    Added July 17, 2017 by Cody Layne
  • I would like to say as the sister of Virginia James, that you have the nicest staff and the friendship of your funeral home is beyond reproach. My son and I enjoyed the Family Day, along with all of the family that attended that day. Thank you so very much for your courtesies. Mozelle Harvey Ray, sister to Virginia James.

    Added November 14, 2016 by Mozelle Ray
  • The people who work for Mulkey Mason are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They make the hardest times on a person easy, they are very nice to work with. They have helped with funerals for 2 of my aunt's, my uncle, and most recently my father. I am SO grateful to have had their help.

    Added September 21, 2016 by Michelle Hamouch
  • We were recommended to them by our close neighbor who had worked with them before. They gave me such comfort in knowing that they were not trying to sell me on anything I didn't want -- or letting me know what things might not be necessary or are overpriced. The funeral chapel was really nice and they accommodated us in every way. This was in 2002 and when my time comes, I have told my family that no one could take better care of them at a time like that.

    Added September 20, 2016 by Cathy Dalton
  • ☆ ☆

    The staff was awesome! And they were so helpful and compassionate with the loss of my mom.

    Added July 26, 2016 by Tina Albrecht
How would you rate Mulkey-Mason Funeral Home?

Mulkey-Mason Funeral Home website info

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Website title: Mulkey-Mason Funeral Home