DFW Church
DFW Church - HOME
Church at 2296 Rockbrook Drive, Lewisville, TX 75067

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Address | 2296 Rockbrook Drive Lewisville TX 75067 Get directions |
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Website | dfwchurch.org |
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ (1 reviews)
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in Lewisville, TX
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I hope whoever is reading this never attends this church. I grew up in this church for 19 years. The church is manipulative and controlling. The church runs with a sort of gang-mentality. I won't say it is a cult, but has "cultish" practices (e.g. love bombing, psychological pressures). What I remember most growing up in the church is the community. It is the one thing that pulls you into this church and for most members what keeps them in the church. Each member is suppose to be a "disciple." Usually, summed up by 1. Confessing your sins daily, usually with you designated discipler, 2. Reading and 'Studying' your bible everyday, and 3. Evangelizing, and 4. the most important is being wherever the church body is (literally). You are required to show up and attend every meeting (Sundays, Wednesdays, Church Group Night, Men's Studies, Women's Study, Conferences, etc). If you don't, you will typically receive some kind of call from your discipler who is worried about you and want's to make sure you are ok. If you stop attending service or church services for a couple of weeks and don't have a good reason, it eventually can become a big issue for them. One odd thing they do is the "brothers" take out the "sisters" on regular dates to help the women not desire men outside of the church. They also attempt to model themselves after the churches in Acts. They believe they are one of the few churches that are modeling themselves after the "true" church in the bible and believe (may not be directly stated) that they are the only ones going to heaven. They are the few who are committed to following Jesus. A big phrase they use is making Jesus not only your Savior, but also your "LORD" (Emphasis on Lord). They emphasize Jesus being Lord and don't typically focus on Jesus being a savior. They are very "law" oriented. We as disciples must obey God's word. Another big emphasis is on "OBEDIENCE." If you don't measure up to obeying God, then you aren't a disciple. I can tell you that this was exhausting personally. This gets me to the last part. What makes it difficult is that they believe that salvation can be taken away. It is our choice to be faithful and remain disciples. If the church doesn't believe you are meeting the standards of a disciple after being baptized, then you can be considered as having "fallen away". What this means is that you are not saved, you are going to hell, and all the friends you made that brought you into the church will literally cut you out of their lives. The only communication you will have with them is with regards to your salvation. Now the older members tend to be more relaxed, whereas the younger members tend to be extremely zealous and harmful. The church tends to plant not only a church in a city, but also plant college ministries. They have college ministries where they will go out and evangelize every day trying to invite people to church or will invite people to a volleyball game or ultimate frisbee. From there, they will either have a bible study afterwards (usually led by one of the members) and may invite the kids to their house to play games and socialize. It is common for them to invite them to stay at their house and spend the night. What I remember of my experience in the San Antonio Church is that they would try to make the invitees feel like they found a really cool group of friends. After a few days or after a week, they will invite them to study the bible. Without telling them, they are getting them started on the first study called the "Word" study. The series of studies is called "The Studies". It is a plan that members lead to help make people "Disciples". Usually, once people got past the "Cross" study, they were a shoe-in for becoming a disciple and getting baptized the next few weeks. These studies are to like they aren't disciples and that churches outside of ICOC or their theology aren't following the Lord wholeheartedly. They aren't living out as disciples. There is a lot more I could say. Please do a google search and read up on this church before making the choice to join.
Added December 06, 2016 by Mason Huemmer
DFW Church website info
Website address: dfwchurch.org
Website title: DFW Church - HOME
Website description: CONTACT US